
As much as I would like to say credit is not important, to most people it is VERY important.

So let’s deal with the elephant in the room.

This page will give you EVERYTHING you need to REPAIR, REBUILD & RESTORE your credit.

Click on the GREEN text for the links.

FREE 15 Minute Discovery Call - Do you have questions about getting started with credit repairing, rebuilding or restoring? Let’s chat!

Credit Report Analysis - In order to determine how to get started, we need to see what’s on your reports. For a nominal fee, I will analyze your reports and map out a strategy. Take the information and do the work yourself or hire me to do it for you. If you decide to hire me, the fee will be deducted from your repair fee.

Credit Restoration Masterclass - Once we REPAIR your credit and REBUILD your credit, we need to RESTORE your credit. Remember…what you do to get to 800 is what you have to do to STAY at 800. This masterclass will help you learn the money habits you need to keep a HEALTHY and WEALTHY credit score.