
This library is filled with FREE tools and resources to help you with all matter of financial education.

Find the tools that are right for you and get started (or get updated) on the next leg of your financial journey!

Click on the GREEN text for the links.

Personal Finance

FREE 15 Minute Discovery Call - Do you have questions about coaching, setting up a speaking engagement, or want to start credit repair? Let’s chat!

FREE Budget Bundle - Use this Google sheet to start a basic budget. There’s even a tab for an irregular income.

FREE Financial Reality Check - Want to really know what your money is doing? Take a look at how you spent your money for the last 3 days. Everything you need to analyze your spending is in this Google sheet.

FREE Month of You Need A Budget (YNAB) - Start with a 34 day free trial. When you switch to a paid account, YNAB adds a FREE month.

FREE Tips & Inspiration Every Friday - a four minute read each week, filled with financial tips and tricks to help you become HEALTHY and WEALTHY financially.

Marriage and Money

Marriage and Money Tips & Inspiration - a four minute read each Monday, filled with encouragement for you and your spouse to become HEALTHY and WEALTHY in your marriage and your money.

Fight For Your Marriage 30 Days Of Scripture - BEWARE…a breakthrough for your marriage is coming with this list! Download it if you want to “fertilize” your marriage.

Fight For Your Marriage 14 Day Challenge - Take Action In Your Marriage. With or without your spouses actions.